Your local Anglican church.
Serving Northbridge since 1921
At St Mark’s we are wholeheartedly for Jesus, and a Northbridge that knows him.
Wholehearted love of God.
Committed to Word and prayer.
Desire for Christian maturity.
Embracing warm relationships.
Open posture to the world.
Wholehearted love of God. Committed to Word and prayer. Desire for Christian maturity. Embracing warm relationships. Open posture to the world.
Wholehearted love of God.
At St Mark’s we love God. With all our hearts, at least that’s our desire. You might assume that’s what a church would do—love God wholeheartedly. But we don’t want to assume it; we want to state it up front. That way nobody forgets that’s what’s most important. Especially us.
Committed to Word and prayer.
We are unashamedly committed to the Bible, which is the very word of God. We take the Bible way more seriously than we take ourselves. So you can expect that we’ll always have it open, and also have our hearts open and ready to change in response to what we hear.
We’re also pretty big on prayer, because we know that God is always more ready to listen to us than we are to talk to him, which is what prayer is all about. We pray in our services, we have monthly prayer meetings, and you might see us praying in our conversations when we realise that whatever we’ve been talking about could be turned into a prayer.
Desire for Christian maturity.
We don’t think we’ve ever maxed out our potential to grow as Christian people. We are all works in progress, as God does his work in us. That’s another way of saying that we want to be maturing as believers, growing in our godliness, taking in the likeness of our Lord, in his strength not ours. It’s not always easy, but it’s easier when we’re growing together.
Embracing warm relationships.
We are people who love people. And we’re always open to meeting new people and making new friends. You can expect to receive a warm welcome at St Mark’s. And you can also expect us to be thinking about how we can love and serve one another.
Open posture to the world.
Some churches are holy huddles, looking inwards. We hope to be open to the world around us. That firstly means we’re interested in Northbridge, our local community. So we get involved where we can. But it also extends to the rest of our city, country and planet. We’ve partnered with people who are taking both the love of Jesus, and the life-giving message of Jesus well beyond the leafy locale of Northbridge into all the world.
Meet the team
St Mark’s Northbridge is a growing church with a big vision.
Our staff team supports the ministry and gospel work of our church.
Scott Petty
Senior Minister
As Senior Minister, Scott provides teaching, leadership, and direction for the church as a whole. He loves unpacking the beauty and brilliance of the Scriptures and the warmth of the St Mark’s fellowship, both of which point to the person of Jesus.
Scott is married to Carolyn and they have 3 sons. He likes riding bikes, watching test cricket, being by the beach and eating ice cream.
Kathy Notley
Assistant Minister
Kathy oversees ministry to the women of St Mark’s Northbridge. Kathy enjoys meeting up with women and has a passion to see people of all ages respond to the good news of Jesus.
Kathy is married to Ray and they love sport (both as participants and spectators!)
Pat O'Keeffe
Assistant Minister
Pat is responsible for overseeing our high school ministry, including our Friday youth group: ALIVE. He’s also involved in a whole bunch of other things that make St Mark’s tick along.
Pat loves to cook, follows too many sports, and loves to write songs that teach kids about God’s great love for them. Pat is married to Issy and together they love sharing the love of Jesus with the people of St Mark's and the Northbridge community.
Anne Foxcroft
Anne supports the day-to-day running of the church through a variety of administration roles. She is married to Adrian and has 3 children.
Steph Kyme
Children’s and Families Minister
Steph oversees our children’s and families ministry. As a trained primary school teacher, and former high school chaplain, Steph has always been passionate about telling children and youth about Jesus. She considers it a privilege to sit and chat, answer questions and teach the Bible. Her puppets, Chad, Nugget and Milkshake agree with her wholeheartedly!
Steph is married to André and they have three children. They love bike riding, rock climbing and going to the beach.
Talitha (& Baptiste) Higgs
Student Ministers
Tally joined the St Mark’s staff team in 2023 for a 2-year apprenticeship. Now she and her husband Baptiste are student ministers with us, while the undertake theological study at Bible College.
Our policies
While we try not to take ourselves too seriously, we are serious about ministry and responsibilities.